Planning Board Meeting 5/21/2024

Notice of Public Hearings

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3112

Access Code: 130-771-173

*Important: please mute your phone until the Chairman calls upon you to speak

Hearing Procedure – The Chair shall open the meeting, explain the procedures of the Board and open the evidentiary part of the hearing. All hearings proceed in the following order, with the Chair in charge of all portions of the hearing:
1. Applicant’s presentation
2. Notation for the record of all submitted materials and observations of the site visit, if applicable
3. Questions from the Board
4. Comments and questions from the abutters and general public in attendance, if applicable.
5. Applicant’s response
6. Final comments and questions from the abutters, applicant and Board, in that order
7. Close of evidentiary part of the hearing or, if necessary, continuation of the hearing to a date and time certain.

Interested Parties may review these applications online on the Spencer website  under News and Announcements the meeting material will be available to review OR call the Office of Development & Inspectional Services in Memorial Town Hall located at 157 Main Street Spencer, MA 01562, during regular business hours from 7:30am-4:30pm Monday-Wednesday and 7:30am-12:00pm on Thursday.